School Community Council (CJES-SCC)

CJES School Community Council (CJES-SCC)

CJES SCC Constitution

Head Lice Letter

SCC Meeting Norms

The Canora Junior Elementary School Community Council (CJES-SCC) is a group of interested parents, school staff, Grade 4 student representatives, and community members who work together to support the students and learning objectives and goals of the school. As a parent, guardian, staff member, or community member you are already a member of our SCC.

Our SCC works very hard to ensure that our school has many of the additional supports needed to make learning easier and fun! 

The CJES-SCC executive holds meetings throughout the school year that are open to all families.  Everyone is encouraged to come out and support in any way … big or small. They are always on the lookout for other fantastic members.

Meetings are held 5 times throughout the school year, in the months of:

  • September
  • November in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • January
  • March
  • May

Please be on the lookout for communication from the school regarding meeting dates and times, if you are interested in attending a meeting or becoming involved with our great SCC.

Our current CJES-SCC executive is:

  • Chairperson: Melissa Scheltgen
  • Vice-Chairperson: Taunya Kondratoff
  • Secretary: Jessica Kwas
  • Treasurer: Lauren Mentanko
  • Parent Representative at Large: Lisa Lizotte
  • Parent Representative at large: Melissa Pozniak
  • Teacher Representative: Lisa Fast
  • Principal: Shawna Stangel
  • Grade 4 Student Representatives: Ali, Courtney, Jacob, Lena, and Prairie

Please feel free to contact any executive member of our CJES-SCC for further information. 

Roles and Responsibilities of the CJES-SCC are to:

  • Represent the interests of Canora Junior Elementary School families.
  • Encourage parent, guardian & community engagement, and involvement in our school.
  • Facilitate continuing co-operation, communication, and mutual understanding between parents, guardians & teachers.
  • Promote volunteerism among parents, guardians, & community members.
  • Identify ways to support our teachers to advance the learning programs at our school.
  • Have fun with all involved!!